Build a Culture that Executes Strategy

When Strategy and Culture Pull Employees in Different Directions, Execution Suffers

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More than half of organizations fail to execute their strategy— culture is the #1 obstacle¹

Strategies blaze a new path forward, but ingrained culture can drag employees into old habits and derail execution. To close the gap between strategy and execution, cultural norms and leadership behaviors must support the new direction.

Strengthening Culture at Leading Organizations
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Global Authorities
on Strategy

Our co-founders wrote the most popular strategy article ever published in the MIT Sloan Management Review and have worked with dozens of top teams on formulating value-creating strategies.

They also co-direct the Strategic Agility project that presents evidence-based recommendations on balancing strategic discipline with flexibility in execution.

Don is a strategy professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management where he is the course head of the core Competitive Strategy course, the most popular core elective in the MBA program.

Global Authorities
on Execution

Don and Charlie wrote the Harvard Business Review cover article on overcoming the key obstacles to strategy execution.

They worked with dozens of CEOs from the Young Presidents' Organization to crystalize their strategies, and identify key obstacles to execution, implement interventions to measurably improve execution.

Don developed and directed an award-winning executive education course on strategy execution for senior executives at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Global Authorities
on Culture

Our co-founders were recently invited by The Economist newspaper to discuss how AI will transform how companies measure and manage culture.

They co-authored the most popular series in the history of MIT Sloan Management Review, Measuring Culture. They co-direct the Measuring Culture research project at MIT Sloan.

They created Voice, an award-winning AI cultural management platform incorporating rigorous thought leadership.

CultureX Thought Leadership Featured In

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The CultureX Approach

Distill Your Strategy to its Essence

• Formulating a strategy results in a thick deck

• Executing strategy requires focus and simplicity

• Distill strategy into handful of must-win battles, prioritize them, and produce a strategy for execution  

Identify Cultural Obstacles

• Triangulate insight across multiple sources of employee feedback

• Assess what matters the most for execution as well as how it is performing

• Pinpoint most important culture and leadership behaviors to embody to achieve objectives

Align Culture with Strategy

• Identify highest-impact interventions that actualize culture and leadership behaviors

• Recommendations grounded in decades of experience and thought leadership

• Ensure success by rigorously measuring progress and course correcting

Key Benefits

Award-winning AI developed by globally recognized experts in strategy execution provides the insights you need to build a culture that successfully executes strategy.
  • Focus on the handful of cultural norms and leadership behaviors that will have the biggest impact on executing your strategy

  • Recommendations tailored to the specifics of your culture and strategy

  • Mine deep insights on obstacles and enablers to execution from the employees responsible for executing the strategy

  • See how the culture varies across salient segments of your organization, identifying pockets of excellence and challenge

Is CultureX Right for Us?

You might be an especially good fit if:

  • We have developed a new strategy and/or we face challenges with strategy execution

  • We believe leadership behaviors and culture are critical to execution

  • We place a premium on rigorous measurement and data-based decisions

  • We want to integrate AI into our key people and culture decisions in a responsible way

Ready to get in touch? Let us know.  CultureX can help.



“Invest in a High-Yield Strategic Plan”, A.S. Judson, Journal of Business Strategy;
“Why CEOs Fail”, R. Charan & G. Colvin, Fortune;
“The High Cost of Low Performance”, Project Management Institute, Newtown Square: Project Management Institute;
“Joint Ventures and Competitive Strategy”, K.R. Harrigan, Strategic Management Journal;
“The Effects of Mergers and Post-Merger Integration: A Review of Business Consulting Literature”, P.A. Pautler, Draft Paper, Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Economics.